🚨Disclaimer: We recommend checking out other people's reviews, not just the one from the guy who makes the software! 😳😂 ----------------- This page is by invitation. If you are here, we want you as a guest on The AskMyAdvisor® Show (podcast). Click the button below then hit record (it's that easy!).
Be a guest on The AskMyAdvisor® ShowOh snap! That’s freaking sick!
Ouellette figured he could use that expertise to protect pro athletes.
An advisor’s top influence is their top 10 to 25 clients, Ouellette said.
The best advisers and planners would rise to the top, Mr. Ouellette said.
Welcome to another episode of Grow My Law Firm. I'm really interested in your app.
Brian Ouellette of Clyde Hill, bought his first Brooks Brothers suit when he joined PaineWebber & Co.
I like this because it reduces friction, making it easier to engage and build relationships.
For most these athletes, their current money management plan was not working, Ouellette said.
"Referrals reinvented" is pretty clear. Very clear. This software has 0 fat. This is strong stuff.
He's helping you add red hot referrals from your top clients quickly with his company, AskMyAdvisor
Disclaimer: We recommend checking out other reviews, not just the one from the guy who made the software! 😳😂
When athletes make it professionally, they need to identify that they did earn this money, Ouellette said.
I gotta tell you, I'm excited...It's been a while since we've had an interview like this. Today I have the pleasure of talking to a friend doing innovative things with referrals.
Today I have the distinct pleasure of talking to someone who has become a friend and he's doing some really innovative things around referrals. So if you are a trusted advisor then you're gonna wanna pay attention.
So that's what I like about this technology: it doesn't solve all the problems. You still have to do the work, but it automates parts that accelerate the journey, that saves an incredible amount of time.
You get higher contacts and you automate parts of it that accelerate the journey. So you can effectively be having four or five conversations at once... that's awesome and a good point, because that saves an incredible amount of time, not wasting time.
My in-laws. They are afraid to call their financial advisor. They don't want to bother him. I told them, you're paying him 1% to answer your questions. Call him. "Having an easy way like this (AskMyAdvisor®) to reach out at any time, they would use."
I’ve finished reading your book. Some very good stuff in there (as you know). While I might quibble with a few of your assumptions, it’s definitely something I can support. We could fill a 2-hour show – easily – but I’m going to try to keep it to about 30 minutes (give or take)~ CATES
Oh snap! That’s freaking sick!
Ouellette figured he could use that expertise to protect pro athletes.
An advisor’s top influence is their top 10 to 25 clients, Ouellette said.
The best advisers and planners would rise to the top, Mr. Ouellette said.
Welcome to another episode of Grow My Law Firm. I'm really interested in your app.
Brian Ouellette of Clyde Hill, bought his first Brooks Brothers suit when he joined PaineWebber & Co.
I like this because it reduces friction, making it easier to engage and build relationships.
For most these athletes, their current money management plan was not working, Ouellette said.
"Referrals reinvented" is pretty clear. Very clear. This software has 0 fat. This is strong stuff.
He's helping you add red hot referrals from your top clients quickly with his company, AskMyAdvisor
Disclaimer: We recommend checking out other reviews, not just the one from the guy who made the software! 😳😂
When athletes make it professionally, they need to identify that they did earn this money, Ouellette said.
I gotta tell you, I'm excited...It's been a while since we've had an interview like this. Today I have the pleasure of talking to a friend doing innovative things with referrals.
Today I have the distinct pleasure of talking to someone who has become a friend and he's doing some really innovative things around referrals. So if you are a trusted advisor then you're gonna wanna pay attention.
So that's what I like about this technology: it doesn't solve all the problems. You still have to do the work, but it automates parts that accelerate the journey, that saves an incredible amount of time.
You get higher contacts and you automate parts of it that accelerate the journey. So you can effectively be having four or five conversations at once... that's awesome and a good point, because that saves an incredible amount of time, not wasting time.
My in-laws. They are afraid to call their financial advisor. They don't want to bother him. I told them, you're paying him 1% to answer your questions. Call him. "Having an easy way like this (AskMyAdvisor®) to reach out at any time, they would use."
I’ve finished reading your book. Some very good stuff in there (as you know). While I might quibble with a few of your assumptions, it’s definitely something I can support. We could fill a 2-hour show – easily – but I’m going to try to keep it to about 30 minutes (give or take)~ CATES