Share your Free To Grow 'Pearl'
Born in 1994, Free To Grow is a remarkable 30 years old. We are celebrating the journey and the impact that our programmes have had in the lives of individuals and organisations.
A pearl is a unique and beautiful gem. It's forming serves as a timeless metaphor for a journey or resilience and growth. As someone who has experienced the power and value of our work, we would love to harvest the 'Pearl/s' that you have received from your experience of working with Free To Grow.
A short (1 - 2 min) video of your sharing your experience will be first prize. Its super easy to do right here. Just click the link below and don't forget to smile 😊
If you really can't do the video - a text message with a recent photo will do the trick.
ps We will be featuring your 'Pearl' on our birthday webpage and in our Social Media posts