
Wins From The Coaching Community

See the wins people in our community are getting!

Matthew's avatar

I GOT A JOB!!!!!

- Matthew
Lauren Rutland's avatar

I have an in person interview with make a wish next week 🎉

- Lauren Rutland
Chris's avatar

I have a phone interview with a VP (hiring manager) on Friday!

- Chris
Reb's avatar

Big win for me wrapping up the week... I got a job!!

- Reb
Mary Margaret's avatar

I had a preliminary interview this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Mary Margaret
Gerren's avatar

Just accepted a job offer as Mental Health Specialist!

- Gerren • Yesterday at 2:51 PM
Tiffany's avatar

Made it to the final round at Sage! First to final interview in three days!

- Tiffany
JP's avatar

Two virtual panel interviews tomorrow morning…this for an HR role at a healthcare company…

- JP
Evan's avatar

Just booked an initial phone call with a TAS at my target company (Newell Brands) tomorrow at 1pm.

- Evan
Lauren Rutland's avatar

Also, I just got asked to send a portfolio to IJM as a follow up from an interview. Feels like things are moving!

- Lauren Rutland
Andrew's avatar

Site meeting went incredible! It's not set in stone - but it sounds like we're leaning towards an offer!

- Andrew
Tiffany's avatar

Just had my first interview at Sage and knocked it out of the park ⚾ Soooooo grateful you pushed me to practice so much 🤩

- Tiffany • Today at 1:45 PM Today at 1:56 PM
Beau's avatar

Great news, got a job offer last week and I officially accepted! Starting a new position in January 🙌 Praises!

- Beau
JP's avatar

First step interview tomorrow morning for Director of People Strategy and Initiatives for a large healthcare company…

- JP
Chris Atwell's avatar

A college buddy of mine just connected me with a VP at INJOY Solutions. I’m supposed to have a call with him on Wednesday afternoon!

- Chris Atwell
Jonathan's avatar

Got a phone screen scheduled with Webconnex for tomorrow!!! Probably the company I'm most excited to work for. Seems like a great team culture.

- Jonathan • Yesterday at 11:05 AM
Wilson's avatar

I got an offer today as an SDR from Moveworks and accepted! I'll send you a video soon and let you know what happened it was crazy!

- Wilson • Yesterday at 5:41 PM
Ron's avatar

I had the interview today for a Major Gifts Officer position with both the CEO and Director of Advancement. I thought it went very good!

- Ron
Ryan's avatar

Just got an email from the company I’ve been pestering for 9 months. I have a pre-screen interview this Tuesday! Persistence has paid off!

- Ryan
Matthew's avatar

Interview went really well! I think that everyone who needs to say "yes" has now said "yes" so hopefully an offer is coming shortly 😬😭🤕

- Matthew
Tiffany's avatar

Had my second interview at Snowflake today. The manager told me 12 minutes into the interview that he was moving me on to the third round! ❄️

- Tiffany • Today at 4:13 PM
RobinH's avatar

Got my written offer. Accepted. Told my pastor. Telling executive team this afternoon. Now the roller coaster really begins. I'll post in the wins channel later today.

- RobinH • OP
JP's avatar

Interviewed with the hiring manager of a healthcare company this afternoon...she said she's moving me on to the next round and wants this hired in the next two weeks....

- JP
Brian 's avatar

Just got an email for my first phone screen for a project management role I applied for a little while back. First one so gotta celebrate that before this nice long weekend!

- Brian
Graham's avatar

TODAY I GOT A JOB OFFER! I am telling this group before I have even told my wife! It doesn't feel real yet, and I'm currently in the negotiation stage but yowzah!

- Graham
Kelsi's avatar

I had two first round interviews this week. One of them put me into a second round the next day! So, after 3 interviews this week I’m moving forward to the next round with both organizations

- Kelsi
Jonathan Sharp's avatar

Just had a great convo with a Regional VP of Sales at Salesforce. He told me to pick a job and send it to him and he would get me a referral link for that job to get me in the "fast pass" line.

- Jonathan Sharp
Gp's avatar

Interview # 1 with a top target org tomorrow morning. 2nd in-person interview with a newly discovered target org tomorrow afternoon. Both automotive, same role. Busy day. I'd appreciate the prayers.

- Gp
Katie's avatar

Hi everyone, hope you're all having a good week so far! Jumping in with a win for the week...I was offered a marketing job with World Vision and officially accepted it! I am set to start a week from today.

- Katie
Ron's avatar

Win over the weekend, I got an email from one of the places I applied to last week. They want to set up a 2 hour virtual meeting with the board on the 9th. the position is as an Executive Director for a nonprofit

- Ron
Matt's avatar

Hey Everyone! I'm excited to say that I made it the third (and hopefully final round) in my current interview process for a Project Manger position with a local consulting company. I believe they are down to two candidates.

- Matt • Today at 12:24 PM
Ron's avatar

I just was offered an Interview with the CEO of a national nonprofit here in the Detroit area. The position is a Major Gifts Officer, this would be a great interim position. The non-profit is called Guest House, located in Lake Orion MI.

- Ron • Yesterday at 5:13 PM
Evan L's avatar

Had my second interview with a company called Greystar and will hear this week if I make it to the final interview! Also another win, I've been solo parenting for the first time as my wife is in Dallas for work and I am still alive

- Evan L
Brian Katauskas's avatar

Today I officially got the offer letter and accepted for a job with Collage!!! I will be doing Business Development for them. This has been such a great process. Tons of thanks to this group and Todd for all the encouragement and direction!

- Brian Katauskas • 04/10/2024 1:32 PM
Tiffany's avatar

Wins for me: 1. Finally getting a resume I'm proud of (This took more than I expected, but it was worth the time investment because applications should be easy from here!) 2. Getting invited to my first interview through a current connection.

- Tiffany
Blake's avatar

Connections really do lead to more conversations, and interviews! I have been meeting with so many people which has opened doors I hadn't even considered. Have an interview w Resi, a church adjacent company, coming up - and other avenues opening up, as well.

- Blake
Ryan's avatar

Final interview tomorrow with a tech company I got connected to after talking to a fellow dad I met at the park. He introduced me to the hiring manager and I stayed persistent with following up till they either slammed a door in my face or gave me an interview. It finally paid off!

- Ryan
Brian's avatar

I received an email this past week that said "we want to make you an offer"! I am starting the negotiation process but it is exciting to be wanted! It is at one of my target organizations, so prayers that the initial offer is close enough to be able to negotiate to where I need to be.

- Brian • Today at 10:52 AM
Graham's avatar

I got the job!!! With your helpful tips in the video you sent about negotiating I just simply asked for more pay and more PTO (though it took all my courage and felt so uncomfortable). I was CONFIDENT that they wouldn't budge but they DOUBLED my PTO and upped my pay! I signed and accepted yesterday!

- Graham
Andrew Jones's avatar

Just had a phone screen with Virtuous for a CSM role. Fingers crossed on getting another interview! Also, for those of you looking into Learning and Development, I've secured a SECOND interview for a training specialist role at an insurance company here in KC. I'll let you know how it all goes!

- Andrew Jones
Brian B's avatar

I just got a phone screen set up for a Creative project manager role at Home Depot. This was my first application using the new impact bullets in Teal and really tailoring the resume to fit the role. Had two different connections send my resume to the hiring manager, which of course helps! excited to keep working the program!

- Brian B
Matt's avatar

I've been pleasantly surprised with how much forward moment the connections and conversations training produces. For instance - and here's the win - I have a 10:30am call with an on staff recruiter for Notre Dame tomorrow because an acquaintance, who had worked with his recruiter 2 years ago, decided to connect us!

- Matt
JP's avatar

Today’s calls went well…one of the companies wants to fly me up to meet as soon as possible. The other is contracting with a search firm, but he was very positive in my call today, thankful that I’ve circumvented the recruiter screen by already talking to the decision maker. He definitely wants to continue the convo. Progress…

- JP
Doug's avatar

Hi everyone, just wanted to give an update. I will be starting a new job soon as an HR Recruiter! This is an incredible opportunity and I am so thankful to have learned from Todd and the entire community here. Thank you for being a support when life felt dark. I'll still be around to continue working on job clarity and self-growth.

- Doug
Blake's avatar

And yes, the process really does open doors. I'm bragging on Todd a bit, but the momentum starts to build as you get further along. It'll happen for everyone (and has already for so many)! I'm still at the church full time, but the approach shifted gears for me once I started having those conversations. Prayers for everyone as they keep moving thru!

- Blake
Andrew's avatar

I have spent A LOT of time on job clarity because I think it is the most emotionally fraught part of this for me post-ministry. While I am still tinkering a bit, realizing that there is life after being a pastor through concrete and logical steps (thanks Todd!) has really changed my outlook and sense of purpose moving forward. Big emotional step for me!

- Andrew
Tiffany's avatar

Just had my first interview! It went well and gave me some clarity on what I need to practice more. The hiring manager is passing my resume on the CEO. She also told me I had the best written (aka: copied and pasted) cover letter she's ever seen--that it's exactly what a hiring manager needs to see in order to connect the dots with my past experience. So, keep using it everybody!

- Tiffany
Aaron's avatar

As soon as I got off the weekly call today, I heard from two of my inner circle offering support and sending out messages to their contacts. Both were very enthusiastic about helping out. It was an encouraging moment. Often in this journey, it feels like one step forward, and two steps back. Even the smaller victories feel huge sometimes. All that to say, keep pursuing. Keep reaching out. I'm trusting the process.

- Aaron
Danielle's avatar

I wanted to update you and let you know I finally got the job offer and was able to negotiate the pay. We came to a compromise at $110,000 and I am happy with that. My start date will be July 1st. I am waiting on the paperwork and official job title, but should be something close to program director. It was an extremely long process with tons of conversation, but I'm definitely happy with the outcome.

- Danielle
Blake's avatar

I sent a resume to a connection who has connections. As a recruiter, she was incredibly impressed with the resume, especially with how I was able to clearly frame ministry accomplishments with metrics, which gave her immediate insight into who I was and what I was good at. It was unsolicited feedback that was very encouraging, which I wanted to share here: basically, follow the process! It'll put you in the right spot.

- Blake • 02/01/2024 9:51 AM
Matthew's avatar

I GOT A JOB!!!!!

- Matthew
Lauren Rutland's avatar

I have an in person interview with make a wish next week 🎉

- Lauren Rutland
Chris's avatar

I have a phone interview with a VP (hiring manager) on Friday!

- Chris
Reb's avatar

Big win for me wrapping up the week... I got a job!!

- Reb
Mary Margaret's avatar

I had a preliminary interview this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Mary Margaret
Gerren's avatar

Just accepted a job offer as Mental Health Specialist!

- Gerren • Yesterday at 2:51 PM
Tiffany's avatar

Made it to the final round at Sage! First to final interview in three days!

- Tiffany
JP's avatar

Two virtual panel interviews tomorrow morning…this for an HR role at a healthcare company…

- JP
Evan's avatar

Just booked an initial phone call with a TAS at my target company (Newell Brands) tomorrow at 1pm.

- Evan
Lauren Rutland's avatar

Also, I just got asked to send a portfolio to IJM as a follow up from an interview. Feels like things are moving!

- Lauren Rutland
Andrew's avatar

Site meeting went incredible! It's not set in stone - but it sounds like we're leaning towards an offer!

- Andrew
Tiffany's avatar

Just had my first interview at Sage and knocked it out of the park ⚾ Soooooo grateful you pushed me to practice so much 🤩

- Tiffany • Today at 1:45 PM Today at 1:56 PM
Beau's avatar

Great news, got a job offer last week and I officially accepted! Starting a new position in January 🙌 Praises!

- Beau
JP's avatar

First step interview tomorrow morning for Director of People Strategy and Initiatives for a large healthcare company…

- JP
Chris Atwell's avatar

A college buddy of mine just connected me with a VP at INJOY Solutions. I’m supposed to have a call with him on Wednesday afternoon!

- Chris Atwell
Jonathan's avatar

Got a phone screen scheduled with Webconnex for tomorrow!!! Probably the company I'm most excited to work for. Seems like a great team culture.

- Jonathan • Yesterday at 11:05 AM
Wilson's avatar

I got an offer today as an SDR from Moveworks and accepted! I'll send you a video soon and let you know what happened it was crazy!

- Wilson • Yesterday at 5:41 PM
Ron's avatar

I had the interview today for a Major Gifts Officer position with both the CEO and Director of Advancement. I thought it went very good!

- Ron
Ryan's avatar

Just got an email from the company I’ve been pestering for 9 months. I have a pre-screen interview this Tuesday! Persistence has paid off!

- Ryan
Matthew's avatar

Interview went really well! I think that everyone who needs to say "yes" has now said "yes" so hopefully an offer is coming shortly 😬😭🤕

- Matthew
Tiffany's avatar

Had my second interview at Snowflake today. The manager told me 12 minutes into the interview that he was moving me on to the third round! ❄️

- Tiffany • Today at 4:13 PM
RobinH's avatar

Got my written offer. Accepted. Told my pastor. Telling executive team this afternoon. Now the roller coaster really begins. I'll post in the wins channel later today.

- RobinH • OP
JP's avatar

Interviewed with the hiring manager of a healthcare company this afternoon...she said she's moving me on to the next round and wants this hired in the next two weeks....

- JP
Brian 's avatar

Just got an email for my first phone screen for a project management role I applied for a little while back. First one so gotta celebrate that before this nice long weekend!

- Brian
Graham's avatar

TODAY I GOT A JOB OFFER! I am telling this group before I have even told my wife! It doesn't feel real yet, and I'm currently in the negotiation stage but yowzah!

- Graham
Kelsi's avatar

I had two first round interviews this week. One of them put me into a second round the next day! So, after 3 interviews this week I’m moving forward to the next round with both organizations

- Kelsi
Jonathan Sharp's avatar

Just had a great convo with a Regional VP of Sales at Salesforce. He told me to pick a job and send it to him and he would get me a referral link for that job to get me in the "fast pass" line.

- Jonathan Sharp
Gp's avatar

Interview # 1 with a top target org tomorrow morning. 2nd in-person interview with a newly discovered target org tomorrow afternoon. Both automotive, same role. Busy day. I'd appreciate the prayers.

- Gp
Katie's avatar

Hi everyone, hope you're all having a good week so far! Jumping in with a win for the week...I was offered a marketing job with World Vision and officially accepted it! I am set to start a week from today.

- Katie
Ron's avatar

Win over the weekend, I got an email from one of the places I applied to last week. They want to set up a 2 hour virtual meeting with the board on the 9th. the position is as an Executive Director for a nonprofit

- Ron
Matt's avatar

Hey Everyone! I'm excited to say that I made it the third (and hopefully final round) in my current interview process for a Project Manger position with a local consulting company. I believe they are down to two candidates.

- Matt • Today at 12:24 PM
Ron's avatar

I just was offered an Interview with the CEO of a national nonprofit here in the Detroit area. The position is a Major Gifts Officer, this would be a great interim position. The non-profit is called Guest House, located in Lake Orion MI.

- Ron • Yesterday at 5:13 PM
Evan L's avatar

Had my second interview with a company called Greystar and will hear this week if I make it to the final interview! Also another win, I've been solo parenting for the first time as my wife is in Dallas for work and I am still alive

- Evan L
Brian Katauskas's avatar

Today I officially got the offer letter and accepted for a job with Collage!!! I will be doing Business Development for them. This has been such a great process. Tons of thanks to this group and Todd for all the encouragement and direction!

- Brian Katauskas • 04/10/2024 1:32 PM
Tiffany's avatar

Wins for me: 1. Finally getting a resume I'm proud of (This took more than I expected, but it was worth the time investment because applications should be easy from here!) 2. Getting invited to my first interview through a current connection.

- Tiffany
Blake's avatar

Connections really do lead to more conversations, and interviews! I have been meeting with so many people which has opened doors I hadn't even considered. Have an interview w Resi, a church adjacent company, coming up - and other avenues opening up, as well.

- Blake
Ryan's avatar

Final interview tomorrow with a tech company I got connected to after talking to a fellow dad I met at the park. He introduced me to the hiring manager and I stayed persistent with following up till they either slammed a door in my face or gave me an interview. It finally paid off!

- Ryan
Brian's avatar

I received an email this past week that said "we want to make you an offer"! I am starting the negotiation process but it is exciting to be wanted! It is at one of my target organizations, so prayers that the initial offer is close enough to be able to negotiate to where I need to be.

- Brian • Today at 10:52 AM
Graham's avatar

I got the job!!! With your helpful tips in the video you sent about negotiating I just simply asked for more pay and more PTO (though it took all my courage and felt so uncomfortable). I was CONFIDENT that they wouldn't budge but they DOUBLED my PTO and upped my pay! I signed and accepted yesterday!

- Graham
Andrew Jones's avatar

Just had a phone screen with Virtuous for a CSM role. Fingers crossed on getting another interview! Also, for those of you looking into Learning and Development, I've secured a SECOND interview for a training specialist role at an insurance company here in KC. I'll let you know how it all goes!

- Andrew Jones
Brian B's avatar

I just got a phone screen set up for a Creative project manager role at Home Depot. This was my first application using the new impact bullets in Teal and really tailoring the resume to fit the role. Had two different connections send my resume to the hiring manager, which of course helps! excited to keep working the program!

- Brian B
Matt's avatar

I've been pleasantly surprised with how much forward moment the connections and conversations training produces. For instance - and here's the win - I have a 10:30am call with an on staff recruiter for Notre Dame tomorrow because an acquaintance, who had worked with his recruiter 2 years ago, decided to connect us!

- Matt
JP's avatar

Today’s calls went well…one of the companies wants to fly me up to meet as soon as possible. The other is contracting with a search firm, but he was very positive in my call today, thankful that I’ve circumvented the recruiter screen by already talking to the decision maker. He definitely wants to continue the convo. Progress…

- JP
Doug's avatar

Hi everyone, just wanted to give an update. I will be starting a new job soon as an HR Recruiter! This is an incredible opportunity and I am so thankful to have learned from Todd and the entire community here. Thank you for being a support when life felt dark. I'll still be around to continue working on job clarity and self-growth.

- Doug
Blake's avatar

And yes, the process really does open doors. I'm bragging on Todd a bit, but the momentum starts to build as you get further along. It'll happen for everyone (and has already for so many)! I'm still at the church full time, but the approach shifted gears for me once I started having those conversations. Prayers for everyone as they keep moving thru!

- Blake
Andrew's avatar

I have spent A LOT of time on job clarity because I think it is the most emotionally fraught part of this for me post-ministry. While I am still tinkering a bit, realizing that there is life after being a pastor through concrete and logical steps (thanks Todd!) has really changed my outlook and sense of purpose moving forward. Big emotional step for me!

- Andrew
Tiffany's avatar

Just had my first interview! It went well and gave me some clarity on what I need to practice more. The hiring manager is passing my resume on the CEO. She also told me I had the best written (aka: copied and pasted) cover letter she's ever seen--that it's exactly what a hiring manager needs to see in order to connect the dots with my past experience. So, keep using it everybody!

- Tiffany
Aaron's avatar

As soon as I got off the weekly call today, I heard from two of my inner circle offering support and sending out messages to their contacts. Both were very enthusiastic about helping out. It was an encouraging moment. Often in this journey, it feels like one step forward, and two steps back. Even the smaller victories feel huge sometimes. All that to say, keep pursuing. Keep reaching out. I'm trusting the process.

- Aaron
Danielle's avatar

I wanted to update you and let you know I finally got the job offer and was able to negotiate the pay. We came to a compromise at $110,000 and I am happy with that. My start date will be July 1st. I am waiting on the paperwork and official job title, but should be something close to program director. It was an extremely long process with tons of conversation, but I'm definitely happy with the outcome.

- Danielle
Blake's avatar

I sent a resume to a connection who has connections. As a recruiter, she was incredibly impressed with the resume, especially with how I was able to clearly frame ministry accomplishments with metrics, which gave her immediate insight into who I was and what I was good at. It was unsolicited feedback that was very encouraging, which I wanted to share here: basically, follow the process! It'll put you in the right spot.

- Blake • 02/01/2024 9:51 AM