
Wall of Love

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Kim Stumpp's avatar

With Hilary’s help, I’ve been able to “stick with the plan” and so appreciate the program and her support.

- Kim Stumpp
Kim Stumpp's avatar

This program has been a game-changer. It’s easy to follow and implement. The individual review, and feedback, of my personal tracking information has been so valuable!

- Kim Stumpp
Terrie A.'s avatar

Never thought weight loss could be fun. I have learned so much & have a totally new mindset on balanced healthy eating. Can’t wait to continue the journey! Thank you Hilary & Bridget!!

- Terrie A.
Andrea M. 's avatar

My habits and mindset feel healthier than any other plan or diet I have tried before. I have been happy with the foods I've been learning and have been learning balance. No cutting out of foods!

- Andrea M.
Lacey L. 's avatar

I’ve learned that I don’t have to do a miserable fad diet to lose weight. I feel empowered and know that this is something I can sustain long term. I now know I can hit my goals, and I’m so excited about it!

- Lacey L.
Cassie C.'s avatar

My all or nothing mentality is gone and I have no guilt when I’m not perfect, this is HUGE for me and I can’t be thankful enough for getting my sanity back. It’s and amazing feeling ❤️

- Cassie C.
Casey H. 's avatar

I am now obsessed with tracking all my meals! This program was great it helped me with my exercises at the gym—-it’s okay to venture away from just the treadmill! I’m happier, healthier and ready to take on summer!!!

- Casey H.
Shanon D.'s avatar

I started out at 179 pounds at the first of the year. With this program, my current weight this AM was 167.6. My clothes fit better and I feel better all around! Trusting the process all the way to my fittest, healthiest self!!

- Shanon D.
Meghan J. 's avatar

I am actually enjoying the process and so happy that I get to eat the foods that I love and not eliminate whole food groups that I would have had to in the past and be miserable. This has seriously been such a breath of fresh air!

- Meghan J.
Mary S. 's avatar

This has been the best program I’ve ever done!! I feel so much better and it’s just so easy to log. I’ve been on several different diets in the past, and by far this is the easiest to maintain and has been the most effective thus far.

- Mary S.
Kate A.'s avatar

I’m so thankful for all I’ve learned through the process and will continue to use these skills going forward. I’ve lost over 10 pounds, and I feel more confident! I love that everything can fit into a healthy balanced diet with macro counting!

- Kate A.
EC Client's avatar

Also, I am loving the Train Your Brain for Fat Loss content!! I can tell already that this time is going to be different because I am different. I am focusing on the person I want to be and being her NOW. It is making it easier to make healthy choices.

- EC Client
Morgan Q. 's avatar

As a single mom going through a divorce with a 5 year old, this helped my mindset snd prioritize time for me by focusing on exercise and diet which has given me more energy. I plan to continue this plan until I reach my goal weight in a about 4 or 5 months. Slow and steady…

- Morgan Q.
Angie V. 's avatar

This program made realize that even with weight loss surgery you still need to eat more calories and carbs to fully function properly especially when you working out as much as I do. I may not have lost the inches but I lost the pounds. And found the proper macros that I need for myself.

- Angie V.
Hannah L. 's avatar

This program has helped me to choose better food options and prioritize protein each day! Better eating habits paired with strength training (thanks for the recommendation!) helped me to lose the first bit of weight on my weight loss journey. I feel stronger and more confident in my body.

- Hannah L.
Marcy W.'s avatar

BBH has helped change my mindset about dieting. I had gotten to the point where I was afraid to put anything in my mouth for fear it was too many carbs/fats/sugar etc. I truly feel like I can now make healthy choices, have a few sweets and never feel like I can't have something I really want.

- Marcy W.
Mary G. 's avatar

The thing that most attracted me to her program is that it is a sustainable lifestyle rather than a diet. I needed to change some habits and this program offered tips with real life advice (like how to still enjoy life's celebrations). She provides just the right amount of encouragement/education and challenge to keep me engaged!

- Mary G.
Kerry S. 's avatar

I wanted to learn more about counting macros and moreover I wanted to learn how to eat for weigh/fat loss. I learned so much from this program and saw great success not just with my weight and my body measurements, but also with my mindset towards food. The information and the tools and the community of women have been invaluable to me!

- Kerry S.
Whitney E. 's avatar

The mental shift is the biggest challenge I’m tackling. It’s not all or nothing, it’s all or something! You can have a fun meal and it doesn’t mean you need to fall off the wagon. You don't have to start all over. You just keep going. Realizing I don't have to deprive myself to stay on track, is the game changer! Before I would go off the rails and binge eat, now “it’s all about balance”.

- Whitney E.
Sadie H. 's avatar

The program has made counting macros so much easier than any program I’ve used in the past. Really focusing on protein and calories has made it simple and not over complicated. I’ve enjoyed still getting to eat the food o like to eat too. On my journey so far I have lost 5.2 pounds and 7 inches. So excited for this! Some may think it is not a lot but I’m happy with my progress and my consistency.

- Sadie H.
Wendy K.'s avatar

I’ve been on many diets in my life and each has taught me a little something but it is this program and it’s simple approach to weight loss and life style changes that has really stuck with me. I came in wanting to lose weight and I have but it’s the learning about balance that has been most helpful. I feel I have the knowledge and skills to continue on my journey. I might have 99% problems but protein ain’t one!

- Wendy K.
Kristin Macera's avatar

BBH has completely changed the way I think about food. I used to have such a negative outlook on the scale and foods and stuff that are “off limits”. Now I can eat whatever foods I want as long as I plan. I can check my weight daily without getting upset. I’ve learned to not give power to the number anymore. I’ve gotten compliments on my weight loss and have even introduced family, friends and coworkers to the BBh life.

- Kristin Macera
Lilly Garcia's avatar

This guide is absolutely beautiful, easy to navigate and full of super delicious options! As a Mom who will be juggling camps, swimming lessons, sports and more with 3 kids this summer I know I’ll be returning to this resources over and over and OVER again! I always loved seeing your snack boxes on your socials for years and I’m so pumped to make my own! I clicked add to cart so fast on the lunch boxes and condiment containers! 😆🥰

- Lilly Garcia
Audrey N Bullock's avatar

I have loved the first 21 days of this program. The lessons have been paced so well in little pieces. I especially like focusing on hitting a protein target. Prior to this program I had started and quit soooo many different programs. Paying attention to weekly average weight instead of daily ups and downs has helped me stay the course and not give up. I’ve lost 4.3 lbs so far. I had so many unhealthy habits, but they are improving one day at a time.

- Audrey N Bullock
Alana R. 's avatar

I love the high energy of the community it really held me accountable. Even on days I did not want to log because I ate too much I always made myself to create the awareness and build habits and showing up for yourself 100 percent makes the difference. You don’t have to be perfect you just have to keep going and being consistent. I didn’t miss a workout I didn’t miss logging anything. When I went out to eat I guesstimated the calories using my best judgement.

- Alana R.
Heather S. 's avatar

Holy cow the mental shift and growth has been huge for me!! I feel so empowered with my food choices and have logged everyday and learned so much about how what I’m eating makes me feel. My clothes fit so much better and I feel better eating more food than I did before. Also, not feeling like I’m missing out during events has shown me how sustainable this way of living is! I have realized the scale is not the end all be all and to love myself during the process!

- Heather S.
Megan B. 's avatar

One of the biggest shocks was how much my weight fluctuates throughout the week. It has really helped me conquer the emotional hold that the scale held over me. I have learned how certain foods, sodium, alcohol, and a difficult workout can affect my weight the following day. I have seen how cutting some of my cardio and adding weightlifting changes my body not just my weight. I have also realized that I can eat MORE when I eat the right foods for my body and lift weights.

- Megan B.
Athena W. 's avatar

I’ve struggled with fully grasping macros in the past and Hilary was able to break it down in a way where I finally had my “ah-ha” moment. She explains everything in a way you can understand, provides the resources to help you and every question is fully answered with a reason why. ... truly helped me find a healthy balanced lifestyle approach and still enjoy flex days and favorite foods without the added guilt that used to come along with it while still working towards my personal goals!

- Athena W.
Emily I. 's avatar

I was so happy to find Hilary and your program. I am well on my way to losing the weight... life isn’t meant to be in a weight loss season. Get in, get the work done, and get out. It will take me months to do but that’s okay!! It’s better to get in and get it off now and then move on! And also this time losing weight doesn’t have to be miserable. I’ve honestly hit my macros every day but one (date night!) and it hasn’t been hard and I’ve had lots of yummy food! Thanks Hilary for this program.

- Emily I.
Paige V.'s avatar

I cannot say enough good things about the Balance by Hilary program. When I started this program I was so low emotionally and my weight was so high. I have tried everything to lose weight often starting a new diet every Monday or every other. With this program, I have been able to lose 10 lbs, 9 overall inches and have a whole new mindset on dieting. I'm done with diets and living the Marco life! Thank you Hilary and Bridget for giving me a new outlook on reaching my goals.

- Paige V.
Rachelle E. 's avatar

I haven't been successful with weight-loss in any program over the last few years. My sister recommended this program so I thought I'd give it a try. As I finish my last week I can say I've found a program that I truly ENJOY and that I see as sustainable as a lifestyle. I feel amazing, lost 7 lbs and many inches. All of the resources, tools, community accountability and support provided in the program have been crucial in my success this far. I look forward to continuing on this journey. Thank you BBH!!

- Rachelle E.
Cherie T. 's avatar

I learned some new things as well! I’m now in the habit again of tracking and preplanning which is huge for me and really sets me up for success. Last night I went to dinner and I viewed the menu ahead of time and pre-tracked my meal. I felt in total control and not deprived at all. I’m also getting my water in, sleeping well and working out consistently. Even though nothing is off limits with macros I have learned that some foods are not worth the macros and will leave me feeling hungry and with little energy.

- Cherie T.
Tara S.'s avatar

This program has completely changed my way of thinking about food, diet and nutrition overall! I was ready to make some changes to the way I ate, what I ate and try to start eating healthier, however in my mind, that meant giving up desserts, treats, pasta, etc. except for special occasions. You can have it all while still losing or maintaining your weight (depending on which “season” you’re in)! I mean, why wouldn’t you try it?! I feel better, I look better, and this is something I can absolutely maintain as a lifestyle!

- Tara S.
Olivia H. 's avatar

I did have a lot of mindset GAINS! I feel more confident in myself each day. My body feels stronger and I’m starting to see muscles get bigger! The scale can stay the same, I’m more focused on how I feel in my body. I have dedicated myself to 5 day workouts a week and I have increased my strength training and cardio. I have more energy which has a major impact on my behavior changes and positive outlook! I will continue to count macros and watch my body transform to be the strongest I can be! I’m excited and extremely grateful?

- Olivia H.
April B. 's avatar

I have learned so much from Hilary and Bridget. I actually didn’t start out well and was an on again/off again tracker at first because of some life changes that happened. But Hilary had so many resources, videos, and daily pep talks and I got back on track! I now track regularly and have set realistic exercise goals for myself. She taught me not to get mad at myself when I mess up, and that I can make new habits even in my 50’s! I feel so much better and feel more confident that I can keep going. My clothes fit better already!

- April B.
Whitney E.'s avatar

Down 5 lbs forever! Life happened. I got sick and couldn't work out. I had a binge-fest. I kept going. I may not have lost as much as I’d hoped, but the mental shift is the biggest challenge I’m tackling. It’s not all or nothing, it’s all or something! You can have a fun meal and it doesn’t mean you need to fall off the wagon. You don't have to start all over. You just keep going. Realizing I don't have to deprive myself to stay on track, is the game changer! Before I would go off the rails and binge eat, now “it’s all about balance”.

- Whitney E.
Sara C. 's avatar

Before, I thought I needed to drastically reduce my calories in order to see results. With this program, I’ve experienced results by simply logging my macros and sticking to my daily calories and reaching my daily protein goal. Since starting this program, I have lost 5 pounds and have had more energy. I’m learning to not go off the rails if I have a bad day or two. I’m also learning to find ways to enjoy my favorite foods daily while staying within calories. I’m excited to continue my fitness and weight loss journey with this new mindset.

- Sara C.
Linda H. 's avatar

Just what I needed to turn my life around. No more fad diets or yo-yo dieting for me! While scrolling the Internet one day I came across a reel from Hilary and was very intrigued. This has been a total game changer for me and my health. I have lost 12.2 pounds and more importantly my blood sugar readings have decreased significantly, This time I’m actually excited to get my A1C checked instead of dreading it. Looking forward to keeping this momentum going and continuing to improve my health, all while enjoying all the foods I like to eat!

- Linda H.
Emily D. 's avatar

This was literally life changing for me. I lost weight, yes. But more importantly, it changed my lifestyle. I used to eat to “feel full” and counted calories, but that was it. Now, I eat and actually feel full. I’m not ravenous and eating garbage during the day, but am making mindful choices and feeling full! The best part for me, is that I no longer ache. My joints used to ache from the inflammation from my poor choices. After switching and counting macros and changing the way I eat, I feel so much better. I'm able to be present for my 2 year old and am loving it!

- Emily D.
Jessica Mason's avatar

My biggest challenge in weight loss has been avoiding the scale because I did not like the number, and accurately tracking food...finishing kids food, grabbing a handful of a snack and not tracking really caught up to me. The 21 day program helped me see the scale as a tool for data to be able to identify road blocks and tweak my plan to meet my goals, not as daily discouragement that I no longer weigh what I did pre kids. I love the encouragement and accountability Hilary provides. I am down 4 pounds from the 21 day program and will keep pushing until I meet my goal.

- Jessica Mason
Christina S. 's avatar

I’ve counted calories in the past but have never had the right tools to break me out of the black and white mindset. I’ve been gaining and losing the same 2-3lbs since January and I finally learned how to break the cycle and see progress! I’ve made my step and protein goals a priority and my exercises are appointments with myself that I can’t miss. I’ve learned that one day doesn’t make or break your progress and most importantly the job isn’t done. I’m determined to hit my goals. This has been one of the best decisions I’ve made for myself. Thank you Hilary & Bridget!!

- Christina S.
Amy H. 's avatar

This program has been a game changer and really a foundation for the rest of my life. My overall thought process is changed surrounding food, I’m not eliminating food groups including my favorite one (sweets!), it’s a healthier shift that you can truly eat what you want, it’s making better choices more consistently and sprinkling in the pizza, dessert, alcohol here and there and not freaking out about it or having to makeup for it. Thank you to Hilary and Bridget for a truly educational, and foundational guideline for the rest of my life!! You made it fun and exciting as well.

- Amy H.
Elizabeth S. 's avatar

I have followed BBH on IG for years and finally took the leap. I told myself 2023 was going to be the year of change for me and my weight. Weightloss has been my new years resolution for 7 years now (but probably even longer). I have bought so many weightloss programs and products over the years and they always make me end up binge eating because I feel deprived of certain types of food. I have really enjoyed Hilary's balanced approach. It feel sustainable. I am ready to tackle the last part of 2023. So far I have lost 20 lbs this year. It's not nearly as fast as I would like but listening to Hilary helps make me feel not alone.

- Elizabeth S.
Kia A. 's avatar

I couldn’t be more proud of myself and excited to keep going (because I have a lot more to go)! I can do this, on stressful days when I used to eat bad to cope, on busy days when I used to eat bad out of convenience, on bad days when I used to eat had to make myself feel better. I actually feel SO much better when I’m making healthier choices. I feel better, more energized, and happier when I am eating well. I am also SO excited that I can still eat pizza and Mexican and drink wine occasionally and lose weight. The freedom of macros and protein tracking is wonderful. I lost over 13 lbs and numerous inches, and gained so much knowledge and confidence I can do this.

- Kia A.
Sherry T. 's avatar

In less than 4 weeks I’m down 7lbs, but more importantly I feel in complete control of my eating. Hilary has so many tools and focuses on more than just weight. There are workouts for home and gym, shopping guides, weight trackers, podcasts, and so many informational videos. She encourages us not to try to be perfect and take small steps then add something else. She truly teaches “progress, not perfection”. Besides learning more about macros I learned how important looking at scale weight over time is and how much it will fluctuate daily. Fat loss happens with consistency and seeing quick results isn’t necessarily beneficial. We have to learn as we go to make this a lifestyle.

- Sherry T.
Joy G. 's avatar

Logging food has made all the difference. It's helped me understand how my body reacts to certain foods and made me realize how large food portions are and that we don't need to eat all that's put in front of us. Good and healthy choices! And planning! Planning is a key to success, whether it's eating at home or especially if eating out. Moving my body is making a difference in weight, but more importantly in heart health and confidence. At the end of the day, I've learned that the most important thing was to start the journey. One day at a time, using the tools learned through BBH and with the support and camaraderie of the community, I can do this. Every day and every step is progress.

- Joy G.
Florence R. 's avatar

I have tried everything through the years to lose weight. I have had success from time to time but could never stick with it. I gained to my highest weight ever in January when I had Covid and also had an acute kidney injury- my health was in the gutter. Doc told me I was a diabetic but I wouldn’t let him test A1C. Told me to have weight loss surgery or face dire health outcomes. I weighed 306 that day. (GROSS) I lost 15 lbs over next 5 months and my new doc diagnosed with diabetes and told me to get with it. I have now lost 18 lbs. My blood sugar is back in normal range and blood pressure is improving. I have lost several inches and increased physical activity. Thank you Hilary and Bridget!

- Florence R.
Katie B. 's avatar

I feel awesome for the first time since having my first child 4 years ago. My mind is clearer, my energy is higher, I sleep well and I feel much more confident in my clothing. My joints aren’t as achy! I had convinced myself my metabolism was shot and that this was just how I was going to feel and look forever as a result of pregnancies and age. I am so relieved to say I was wrong! Historically I’ve always been in search of a quick fix and now I can honestly say that my mind has shifted away from that thanks to this program. I do *not* feel deprived of my favorite foods at all (which is a game changer for me!) and I am proud at the end of every day when I go to bed knowing I followed through with my commitment to myself.

- Katie B.
Kimberly Robertshaw's avatar

I absolutely love being a part of this community and the Academy! I have found so much value in the podcast. I can't wait for each new episode. I use the favorite meals worksheet to do my weekly meal planning and often take advantage of the Recipes. It's so convenient that they are already in the database I use to log! I was never a goal oriented person but now I sit down weekly to plan my goals so I can stay on track. It's nice to have a space to go to with both wins and struggles with like-minded ladies that will cheer you on. The workouts are great and it's awesome to have all of this in one spot! The positive outlook from Hilary and Bridget have been life changing for many of us, I am sure. It takes away the shame that so many diets give!

- Kimberly Robertshaw
Jessica Z. 's avatar

...one of the best decisions I could’ve made for my health and confidence! I’ve done macro coaches before that were not supportive or responsive . You can tell Hilary genuinely cares about each and everyone of her clients. She’s a breath of fresh air. She is responsive and provides a ton of resources. You’re set up from success from the get go! I have lost a few pounds and my clothes are fitting better. I have been making steady progress in a healthy way. I haven’t had to deprive myself or eat low in calories like I was always taught . Hilary told me to “trust the process” and I am happy I put my trust in her guidance ..it works. It doesn’t happen overnight of course, but consistently was key . I found something I can sustain as a lifestyle ! Thank you , Hilary!

- Jessica Z.
Kim Stumpp's avatar

With Hilary’s help, I’ve been able to “stick with the plan” and so appreciate the program and her support.

- Kim Stumpp
Kim Stumpp's avatar

This program has been a game-changer. It’s easy to follow and implement. The individual review, and feedback, of my personal tracking information has been so valuable!

- Kim Stumpp
Terrie A.'s avatar

Never thought weight loss could be fun. I have learned so much & have a totally new mindset on balanced healthy eating. Can’t wait to continue the journey! Thank you Hilary & Bridget!!

- Terrie A.
Andrea M. 's avatar

My habits and mindset feel healthier than any other plan or diet I have tried before. I have been happy with the foods I've been learning and have been learning balance. No cutting out of foods!

- Andrea M.
Lacey L. 's avatar

I’ve learned that I don’t have to do a miserable fad diet to lose weight. I feel empowered and know that this is something I can sustain long term. I now know I can hit my goals, and I’m so excited about it!

- Lacey L.
Cassie C.'s avatar

My all or nothing mentality is gone and I have no guilt when I’m not perfect, this is HUGE for me and I can’t be thankful enough for getting my sanity back. It’s and amazing feeling ❤️

- Cassie C.
Casey H. 's avatar

I am now obsessed with tracking all my meals! This program was great it helped me with my exercises at the gym—-it’s okay to venture away from just the treadmill! I’m happier, healthier and ready to take on summer!!!

- Casey H.
Shanon D.'s avatar

I started out at 179 pounds at the first of the year. With this program, my current weight this AM was 167.6. My clothes fit better and I feel better all around! Trusting the process all the way to my fittest, healthiest self!!

- Shanon D.
Meghan J. 's avatar

I am actually enjoying the process and so happy that I get to eat the foods that I love and not eliminate whole food groups that I would have had to in the past and be miserable. This has seriously been such a breath of fresh air!

- Meghan J.
Mary S. 's avatar

This has been the best program I’ve ever done!! I feel so much better and it’s just so easy to log. I’ve been on several different diets in the past, and by far this is the easiest to maintain and has been the most effective thus far.

- Mary S.
Kate A.'s avatar

I’m so thankful for all I’ve learned through the process and will continue to use these skills going forward. I’ve lost over 10 pounds, and I feel more confident! I love that everything can fit into a healthy balanced diet with macro counting!

- Kate A.
EC Client's avatar

Also, I am loving the Train Your Brain for Fat Loss content!! I can tell already that this time is going to be different because I am different. I am focusing on the person I want to be and being her NOW. It is making it easier to make healthy choices.

- EC Client
Morgan Q. 's avatar

As a single mom going through a divorce with a 5 year old, this helped my mindset snd prioritize time for me by focusing on exercise and diet which has given me more energy. I plan to continue this plan until I reach my goal weight in a about 4 or 5 months. Slow and steady…

- Morgan Q.
Angie V. 's avatar

This program made realize that even with weight loss surgery you still need to eat more calories and carbs to fully function properly especially when you working out as much as I do. I may not have lost the inches but I lost the pounds. And found the proper macros that I need for myself.

- Angie V.
Hannah L. 's avatar

This program has helped me to choose better food options and prioritize protein each day! Better eating habits paired with strength training (thanks for the recommendation!) helped me to lose the first bit of weight on my weight loss journey. I feel stronger and more confident in my body.

- Hannah L.
Marcy W.'s avatar

BBH has helped change my mindset about dieting. I had gotten to the point where I was afraid to put anything in my mouth for fear it was too many carbs/fats/sugar etc. I truly feel like I can now make healthy choices, have a few sweets and never feel like I can't have something I really want.

- Marcy W.
Mary G. 's avatar

The thing that most attracted me to her program is that it is a sustainable lifestyle rather than a diet. I needed to change some habits and this program offered tips with real life advice (like how to still enjoy life's celebrations). She provides just the right amount of encouragement/education and challenge to keep me engaged!

- Mary G.
Kerry S. 's avatar

I wanted to learn more about counting macros and moreover I wanted to learn how to eat for weigh/fat loss. I learned so much from this program and saw great success not just with my weight and my body measurements, but also with my mindset towards food. The information and the tools and the community of women have been invaluable to me!

- Kerry S.
Whitney E. 's avatar

The mental shift is the biggest challenge I’m tackling. It’s not all or nothing, it’s all or something! You can have a fun meal and it doesn’t mean you need to fall off the wagon. You don't have to start all over. You just keep going. Realizing I don't have to deprive myself to stay on track, is the game changer! Before I would go off the rails and binge eat, now “it’s all about balance”.

- Whitney E.
Sadie H. 's avatar

The program has made counting macros so much easier than any program I’ve used in the past. Really focusing on protein and calories has made it simple and not over complicated. I’ve enjoyed still getting to eat the food o like to eat too. On my journey so far I have lost 5.2 pounds and 7 inches. So excited for this! Some may think it is not a lot but I’m happy with my progress and my consistency.

- Sadie H.
Wendy K.'s avatar

I’ve been on many diets in my life and each has taught me a little something but it is this program and it’s simple approach to weight loss and life style changes that has really stuck with me. I came in wanting to lose weight and I have but it’s the learning about balance that has been most helpful. I feel I have the knowledge and skills to continue on my journey. I might have 99% problems but protein ain’t one!

- Wendy K.
Kristin Macera's avatar

BBH has completely changed the way I think about food. I used to have such a negative outlook on the scale and foods and stuff that are “off limits”. Now I can eat whatever foods I want as long as I plan. I can check my weight daily without getting upset. I’ve learned to not give power to the number anymore. I’ve gotten compliments on my weight loss and have even introduced family, friends and coworkers to the BBh life.

- Kristin Macera
Lilly Garcia's avatar

This guide is absolutely beautiful, easy to navigate and full of super delicious options! As a Mom who will be juggling camps, swimming lessons, sports and more with 3 kids this summer I know I’ll be returning to this resources over and over and OVER again! I always loved seeing your snack boxes on your socials for years and I’m so pumped to make my own! I clicked add to cart so fast on the lunch boxes and condiment containers! 😆🥰

- Lilly Garcia
Audrey N Bullock's avatar

I have loved the first 21 days of this program. The lessons have been paced so well in little pieces. I especially like focusing on hitting a protein target. Prior to this program I had started and quit soooo many different programs. Paying attention to weekly average weight instead of daily ups and downs has helped me stay the course and not give up. I’ve lost 4.3 lbs so far. I had so many unhealthy habits, but they are improving one day at a time.

- Audrey N Bullock
Alana R. 's avatar

I love the high energy of the community it really held me accountable. Even on days I did not want to log because I ate too much I always made myself to create the awareness and build habits and showing up for yourself 100 percent makes the difference. You don’t have to be perfect you just have to keep going and being consistent. I didn’t miss a workout I didn’t miss logging anything. When I went out to eat I guesstimated the calories using my best judgement.

- Alana R.
Heather S. 's avatar

Holy cow the mental shift and growth has been huge for me!! I feel so empowered with my food choices and have logged everyday and learned so much about how what I’m eating makes me feel. My clothes fit so much better and I feel better eating more food than I did before. Also, not feeling like I’m missing out during events has shown me how sustainable this way of living is! I have realized the scale is not the end all be all and to love myself during the process!

- Heather S.
Megan B. 's avatar

One of the biggest shocks was how much my weight fluctuates throughout the week. It has really helped me conquer the emotional hold that the scale held over me. I have learned how certain foods, sodium, alcohol, and a difficult workout can affect my weight the following day. I have seen how cutting some of my cardio and adding weightlifting changes my body not just my weight. I have also realized that I can eat MORE when I eat the right foods for my body and lift weights.

- Megan B.
Athena W. 's avatar

I’ve struggled with fully grasping macros in the past and Hilary was able to break it down in a way where I finally had my “ah-ha” moment. She explains everything in a way you can understand, provides the resources to help you and every question is fully answered with a reason why. ... truly helped me find a healthy balanced lifestyle approach and still enjoy flex days and favorite foods without the added guilt that used to come along with it while still working towards my personal goals!

- Athena W.
Emily I. 's avatar

I was so happy to find Hilary and your program. I am well on my way to losing the weight... life isn’t meant to be in a weight loss season. Get in, get the work done, and get out. It will take me months to do but that’s okay!! It’s better to get in and get it off now and then move on! And also this time losing weight doesn’t have to be miserable. I’ve honestly hit my macros every day but one (date night!) and it hasn’t been hard and I’ve had lots of yummy food! Thanks Hilary for this program.

- Emily I.
Paige V.'s avatar

I cannot say enough good things about the Balance by Hilary program. When I started this program I was so low emotionally and my weight was so high. I have tried everything to lose weight often starting a new diet every Monday or every other. With this program, I have been able to lose 10 lbs, 9 overall inches and have a whole new mindset on dieting. I'm done with diets and living the Marco life! Thank you Hilary and Bridget for giving me a new outlook on reaching my goals.

- Paige V.
Rachelle E. 's avatar

I haven't been successful with weight-loss in any program over the last few years. My sister recommended this program so I thought I'd give it a try. As I finish my last week I can say I've found a program that I truly ENJOY and that I see as sustainable as a lifestyle. I feel amazing, lost 7 lbs and many inches. All of the resources, tools, community accountability and support provided in the program have been crucial in my success this far. I look forward to continuing on this journey. Thank you BBH!!

- Rachelle E.
Cherie T. 's avatar

I learned some new things as well! I’m now in the habit again of tracking and preplanning which is huge for me and really sets me up for success. Last night I went to dinner and I viewed the menu ahead of time and pre-tracked my meal. I felt in total control and not deprived at all. I’m also getting my water in, sleeping well and working out consistently. Even though nothing is off limits with macros I have learned that some foods are not worth the macros and will leave me feeling hungry and with little energy.

- Cherie T.
Tara S.'s avatar

This program has completely changed my way of thinking about food, diet and nutrition overall! I was ready to make some changes to the way I ate, what I ate and try to start eating healthier, however in my mind, that meant giving up desserts, treats, pasta, etc. except for special occasions. You can have it all while still losing or maintaining your weight (depending on which “season” you’re in)! I mean, why wouldn’t you try it?! I feel better, I look better, and this is something I can absolutely maintain as a lifestyle!

- Tara S.
Olivia H. 's avatar

I did have a lot of mindset GAINS! I feel more confident in myself each day. My body feels stronger and I’m starting to see muscles get bigger! The scale can stay the same, I’m more focused on how I feel in my body. I have dedicated myself to 5 day workouts a week and I have increased my strength training and cardio. I have more energy which has a major impact on my behavior changes and positive outlook! I will continue to count macros and watch my body transform to be the strongest I can be! I’m excited and extremely grateful?

- Olivia H.
April B. 's avatar

I have learned so much from Hilary and Bridget. I actually didn’t start out well and was an on again/off again tracker at first because of some life changes that happened. But Hilary had so many resources, videos, and daily pep talks and I got back on track! I now track regularly and have set realistic exercise goals for myself. She taught me not to get mad at myself when I mess up, and that I can make new habits even in my 50’s! I feel so much better and feel more confident that I can keep going. My clothes fit better already!

- April B.
Whitney E.'s avatar

Down 5 lbs forever! Life happened. I got sick and couldn't work out. I had a binge-fest. I kept going. I may not have lost as much as I’d hoped, but the mental shift is the biggest challenge I’m tackling. It’s not all or nothing, it’s all or something! You can have a fun meal and it doesn’t mean you need to fall off the wagon. You don't have to start all over. You just keep going. Realizing I don't have to deprive myself to stay on track, is the game changer! Before I would go off the rails and binge eat, now “it’s all about balance”.

- Whitney E.
Sara C. 's avatar

Before, I thought I needed to drastically reduce my calories in order to see results. With this program, I’ve experienced results by simply logging my macros and sticking to my daily calories and reaching my daily protein goal. Since starting this program, I have lost 5 pounds and have had more energy. I’m learning to not go off the rails if I have a bad day or two. I’m also learning to find ways to enjoy my favorite foods daily while staying within calories. I’m excited to continue my fitness and weight loss journey with this new mindset.

- Sara C.
Linda H. 's avatar

Just what I needed to turn my life around. No more fad diets or yo-yo dieting for me! While scrolling the Internet one day I came across a reel from Hilary and was very intrigued. This has been a total game changer for me and my health. I have lost 12.2 pounds and more importantly my blood sugar readings have decreased significantly, This time I’m actually excited to get my A1C checked instead of dreading it. Looking forward to keeping this momentum going and continuing to improve my health, all while enjoying all the foods I like to eat!

- Linda H.
Emily D. 's avatar

This was literally life changing for me. I lost weight, yes. But more importantly, it changed my lifestyle. I used to eat to “feel full” and counted calories, but that was it. Now, I eat and actually feel full. I’m not ravenous and eating garbage during the day, but am making mindful choices and feeling full! The best part for me, is that I no longer ache. My joints used to ache from the inflammation from my poor choices. After switching and counting macros and changing the way I eat, I feel so much better. I'm able to be present for my 2 year old and am loving it!

- Emily D.
Jessica Mason's avatar

My biggest challenge in weight loss has been avoiding the scale because I did not like the number, and accurately tracking food...finishing kids food, grabbing a handful of a snack and not tracking really caught up to me. The 21 day program helped me see the scale as a tool for data to be able to identify road blocks and tweak my plan to meet my goals, not as daily discouragement that I no longer weigh what I did pre kids. I love the encouragement and accountability Hilary provides. I am down 4 pounds from the 21 day program and will keep pushing until I meet my goal.

- Jessica Mason
Christina S. 's avatar

I’ve counted calories in the past but have never had the right tools to break me out of the black and white mindset. I’ve been gaining and losing the same 2-3lbs since January and I finally learned how to break the cycle and see progress! I’ve made my step and protein goals a priority and my exercises are appointments with myself that I can’t miss. I’ve learned that one day doesn’t make or break your progress and most importantly the job isn’t done. I’m determined to hit my goals. This has been one of the best decisions I’ve made for myself. Thank you Hilary & Bridget!!

- Christina S.
Amy H. 's avatar

This program has been a game changer and really a foundation for the rest of my life. My overall thought process is changed surrounding food, I’m not eliminating food groups including my favorite one (sweets!), it’s a healthier shift that you can truly eat what you want, it’s making better choices more consistently and sprinkling in the pizza, dessert, alcohol here and there and not freaking out about it or having to makeup for it. Thank you to Hilary and Bridget for a truly educational, and foundational guideline for the rest of my life!! You made it fun and exciting as well.

- Amy H.
Elizabeth S. 's avatar

I have followed BBH on IG for years and finally took the leap. I told myself 2023 was going to be the year of change for me and my weight. Weightloss has been my new years resolution for 7 years now (but probably even longer). I have bought so many weightloss programs and products over the years and they always make me end up binge eating because I feel deprived of certain types of food. I have really enjoyed Hilary's balanced approach. It feel sustainable. I am ready to tackle the last part of 2023. So far I have lost 20 lbs this year. It's not nearly as fast as I would like but listening to Hilary helps make me feel not alone.

- Elizabeth S.
Kia A. 's avatar

I couldn’t be more proud of myself and excited to keep going (because I have a lot more to go)! I can do this, on stressful days when I used to eat bad to cope, on busy days when I used to eat bad out of convenience, on bad days when I used to eat had to make myself feel better. I actually feel SO much better when I’m making healthier choices. I feel better, more energized, and happier when I am eating well. I am also SO excited that I can still eat pizza and Mexican and drink wine occasionally and lose weight. The freedom of macros and protein tracking is wonderful. I lost over 13 lbs and numerous inches, and gained so much knowledge and confidence I can do this.

- Kia A.
Sherry T. 's avatar

In less than 4 weeks I’m down 7lbs, but more importantly I feel in complete control of my eating. Hilary has so many tools and focuses on more than just weight. There are workouts for home and gym, shopping guides, weight trackers, podcasts, and so many informational videos. She encourages us not to try to be perfect and take small steps then add something else. She truly teaches “progress, not perfection”. Besides learning more about macros I learned how important looking at scale weight over time is and how much it will fluctuate daily. Fat loss happens with consistency and seeing quick results isn’t necessarily beneficial. We have to learn as we go to make this a lifestyle.

- Sherry T.
Joy G. 's avatar

Logging food has made all the difference. It's helped me understand how my body reacts to certain foods and made me realize how large food portions are and that we don't need to eat all that's put in front of us. Good and healthy choices! And planning! Planning is a key to success, whether it's eating at home or especially if eating out. Moving my body is making a difference in weight, but more importantly in heart health and confidence. At the end of the day, I've learned that the most important thing was to start the journey. One day at a time, using the tools learned through BBH and with the support and camaraderie of the community, I can do this. Every day and every step is progress.

- Joy G.
Florence R. 's avatar

I have tried everything through the years to lose weight. I have had success from time to time but could never stick with it. I gained to my highest weight ever in January when I had Covid and also had an acute kidney injury- my health was in the gutter. Doc told me I was a diabetic but I wouldn’t let him test A1C. Told me to have weight loss surgery or face dire health outcomes. I weighed 306 that day. (GROSS) I lost 15 lbs over next 5 months and my new doc diagnosed with diabetes and told me to get with it. I have now lost 18 lbs. My blood sugar is back in normal range and blood pressure is improving. I have lost several inches and increased physical activity. Thank you Hilary and Bridget!

- Florence R.
Katie B. 's avatar

I feel awesome for the first time since having my first child 4 years ago. My mind is clearer, my energy is higher, I sleep well and I feel much more confident in my clothing. My joints aren’t as achy! I had convinced myself my metabolism was shot and that this was just how I was going to feel and look forever as a result of pregnancies and age. I am so relieved to say I was wrong! Historically I’ve always been in search of a quick fix and now I can honestly say that my mind has shifted away from that thanks to this program. I do *not* feel deprived of my favorite foods at all (which is a game changer for me!) and I am proud at the end of every day when I go to bed knowing I followed through with my commitment to myself.

- Katie B.
Kimberly Robertshaw's avatar

I absolutely love being a part of this community and the Academy! I have found so much value in the podcast. I can't wait for each new episode. I use the favorite meals worksheet to do my weekly meal planning and often take advantage of the Recipes. It's so convenient that they are already in the database I use to log! I was never a goal oriented person but now I sit down weekly to plan my goals so I can stay on track. It's nice to have a space to go to with both wins and struggles with like-minded ladies that will cheer you on. The workouts are great and it's awesome to have all of this in one spot! The positive outlook from Hilary and Bridget have been life changing for many of us, I am sure. It takes away the shame that so many diets give!

- Kimberly Robertshaw
Jessica Z. 's avatar

...one of the best decisions I could’ve made for my health and confidence! I’ve done macro coaches before that were not supportive or responsive . You can tell Hilary genuinely cares about each and everyone of her clients. She’s a breath of fresh air. She is responsive and provides a ton of resources. You’re set up from success from the get go! I have lost a few pounds and my clothes are fitting better. I have been making steady progress in a healthy way. I haven’t had to deprive myself or eat low in calories like I was always taught . Hilary told me to “trust the process” and I am happy I put my trust in her guidance ..it works. It doesn’t happen overnight of course, but consistently was key . I found something I can sustain as a lifestyle ! Thank you , Hilary!

- Jessica Z.