The Testimonial Blog

How to add reviews to your LearnWorlds course

If you’re looking to add testimonials to LearnWorlds, you’ve come to the right place.

If you're not a developer or you've never done this before, knowing where to start can be difficult.

In this guide, we'll show you how you can add testimonials to any LearnWorlds course in 3 easy steps for free.

This step-by-step guide will help you get up and running in the next 10 minutes. Let's get into it.

Why add testimonials to LearnWorlds?

Testimonials add a layer of trust that words from your course alone can't achieve. By showcasing positive feedback from satisfied customers, you're not just talking the talk; you're showing that others have walked the walk with your course. Here are three ways testimonials can help you.

1. Get more signups for your course

Testimonials help to address any doubts or objections that potential students may have. They provide real-life examples and stories of how your course has helped others overcome challenges, achieve success, and gain valuable skills or knowledge.

Adding testimonials to your course’s landing page can improve your conversion rate. When potential students see positive testimonials from satisfied customers, it builds credibility and trust in your course, making them more likely to enroll.

2. Increase your course’s completion rate

Research shows that the average completion rate of online courses is between 5 and 15 percent.

Testimonials can help increase the completion rates of your Podia course.

When potential students see testimonials from others who have successfully completed your course and achieved their desired results, they are more likely to believe in the value and effectiveness of your course. This assurance can be the tipping point for them to commit to completing it.

3. Improve your SEO

Natural language used in testimonials can include relevant keywords that are related to your course. When potential students search for these keywords, having testimonials with those keywords can increase your chances of ranking higher in search results.

What is Senja?

Senja is a free tool that makes it easy to collect, manage, and share your testimonials anywhere on the web.

Senja testimonial and review widgets - all

Senja comes with 100s of ways to share your testimonials for free, including review widgets (ex. review sliders, carousels and walls), testimonials images, rich snippets and Walls of Love. With Senja, you can easily add a feed to any website without a single line of code or custom plugins.

In this guide, we'll use one of their free review widgets to add your testimonials to your LearnWorlds course, no plugins required!

How it works

  1. Create a Senja account and import your testimonials

  2. Create a free and customizable testimonial widget that matches your brand

  3. Add it to your LearnWorlds course by copying and pasting the embed code

Step 1: Import your testimonials

Visit the Senja dashboard and sign up for an account. It's free and only takes 2 minutes.

Now go to the import page. Here you'll be able to import your reviews and customer love from over 17 sources including Google, Youtube, Slack, and Whatsapp.

Import reviews/testimonials in Senja

Once you're done importing, head back to the testimonials page.

Now you should see all the testimonials you imported in your Senja account. That's all for step one! Now let's add your testimonials to your LearnWorlds course 🎉

Step 2. Create a widget for your testimonials

Now that you've imported your testimonials, you can finally add them to your website.

To do this, we'll create a Senja widget. Don't worry, the process will only take a couple minutes.

To get started, click on the Studio button in the Senja sidebar.

Arrow pointing to testimonial studio - Senja testimonial dashboard

Immediately, you'll see all the sharing options available in Senja.

Senja testimonial studio all options - testimonial widgets, walls of love, images

Other than embedding your testimonials on your LearnWorlds website, Senja lets you create beautiful images you can post on social media, as well as stunning Walls of Love that you can use to showcase your best testimonials.

Since we're trying to embed testimonials on our website, let's click on the widgets tab.

Senja testimonial studio - arrow pointing to widgets tab

Now you can select a widget template you want. For this example, I'll use this grid widget.

Senja testimonial studio - arrow pointing to grid reviews embed/masonry

I want to put my testimonials on my home page, so I'll call this widget "Home Page Testimonials" and hit the "Create Widget" button.

Modal that says "create widget" - home page testimonials senja

And you're done! Now you already have this beautiful testimonial widget that you can add to any page of your website.

Senja has dozens of templates and customization options to choose from. You can pick any of them and see how your widget looks.

Senja testimonial widget studio editor with dozens of testimonial/review embed templates

You can also customize the colors (background color, link color, text color etc), shape and style of any widget to match your website's design perfectly 🎨

Senja - widget design editor tab with options for review widget colors, layout, border, typography et cetera

Step 3: Embed the widget on LearnWorlds

Senja integrates with every website builder that supports custom HTML or URL embeds, including LearnWorlds.

We have detailed instructions for the most popular website builders like WordPress, Webflow, Wix and Squarespace.

Check out our help center to learn how to install it on your website builder.To get started, click on the share button at the top-right of the page.Now copy the embed code you see on the screen.

In Senja

Click on the share button at the top-right of the Senja testimonial widget studio.

Senja testimonial widget studio - arrow pointing to the share button

A panel will open up that'll show you how to share your widget.

Copy the code.

Copy senja testimonial widget code - arrow pointing to javascript option

In LearnWorlds

  1. Go to the Site Builder →  Edit School Site

  2. Select the page you want to embed your testimonial widget on via the Pages Manager.

  3. Click on Add a section

  4. Select the* *Embed category and choose a template. 

  5. Click on the added template, paste the embedded code snippet to the Embeddable script box of the Sideform, and hit Update.

  6. Hit Save

Learnworlds embed gif

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    The faster, easier way to collect testimonials

    Collect video and text testimonials. Share them everywhere! Jump in today and see how easy it is to collect testimonials with Senja.