

Why Senja?


The Testimonial Blog

Big news: Senja now integrates with Circle

Cofounder of Senja

!!! Here's 6 ways you should use Senja and Circle to grow your community

Our goal at Senja is to make it easy to collect and share stories, testimonials and other proof wherever you are. Which is why I am delighted to announce that Senja now integrates seamlessly with the leading community platform Circle.

Our new integrations makes it incredibly easy to collect and share proof from your community members. In fact you can embed forms, widgets and Walls of Love by just pasting a link.

  1. Collect testimonials *inside* your Circle course

You can embed a Senja form inside your Circle course. This will allow you to collect course feedback, video and text testimonials 24/7

  • You can do this inside a lesson

  • You can add this lesson at the end, of partway through, your course

  • You may collect more testimonials if you embed your form earlier in your course

You can then share these testimonials on your course lock screen.

Here's a step-by-step guide to collecting testimonials in your Circle course.

  1. Collect testimonials in a Circle post (or comment)

You can now embed your testimonial form in any Circle post. You have complete freedom to collect testimonials in the perfect place at the perfect time.

In fact, you can even share your form as a comment. It's the ideal response if a member leaves you words of affirmation. To do this simply type /embed and paste your form URL. Here's how it looks:

  1. Add testimonials to your Circle lock screens

You can now add your Senja proof widgets to your Circle lock screens.

This helps you turn more visitors to your lock screens into paying customers by building trust and credibility. Our integration makes this incredibly easy.

Simply paste the proof widget link in the Description field to showcase proof and increase sales:


  1. Drive event sign ups with proof on event pages

If you run community events you should collect testimonials from attendees.

Use these testimonials to drive more registrations for future events.

In fact, Senja's proof widgets embed in Circle event Post Details. Encourage more members to attend your events.

It looks like this:


  1. Collect (and share) video introductions and other stories from your community members

Senja's multi-step forms mean you can collect more than simple member testimonials.

As well as a testimonial, why not ask your community members to film an introduction video? Or their top tips on getting started in your community? Like this:

[image with community intro video form]

You can then share these videos as widgets in your community, and share them in your onboarding [see below]. This ensures new members feel connected and inspired.

[image with community members]

  1. Share member stories in your onboarding emails

You can paste member stories directly from Senja's Chrome Extension into your onboarding emails. If you don't have the extension, copy images from the Studio and paste them.

  1. Embed your Wall of Love

Circle's own member community features a Wall of Love made up of community member shout-outs.

Why not create your own? Simply embed any of your proof widgets into a new post in a new Circle Space. You can include text and video, and update it any time in your Senja account. Here's how it looks:

Senja's integration with Circle is live now for all users, and we can't wait to see how you use it.

Remember, adding proof and member stories inside your community can help you sell more memberships, drive more event attendees, and improve your onboarding. So, give it a try.

Collecting testimonials doesn't get much easier

Collect text and video testimonials — Share them everywhere!

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Testimonials Made Easy

The faster, easier way to collect testimonials

Jump in today and see how easy it is to collect testimonials with Senja.