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The Testimonial Blog
Sharing your testimonials: a no-fluff beginners’ guide
Sharing your testimonials: a no-fluff beginners’ guide

Cofounder of Senja

!!!Navigate this guide: Collect testimonials → Manage testimonials → Share testimonials
Share your testimonials
The hard part of actually collecting testimonials from your customers is done.
Now the fun bit.
I'm going walk you through how you can use your new testimonials to get potential customers to act, so you can grow your business.
Sharing testimonials is proven to be extremely effective.
For example, Feedhive increased their landing page conversion by 72% by adding customer testimonials to their landing page Hero (the bit that loads first).
It's important you don't make the common mistake of leaving your testimonials unloved and unused.
Instead do this…
Testimonial sharing to-do list
These are your key to-dos when sharing your testimonials. I'll cover these in more detail throughout the post.

32 places to share your testimonials
Here's the TL;DR of the places to share.
Share the right testimonial in the right place and at the right time to grow your business.
Go beyond slapping them on your landing page, and share them in these 32 places.
After this image, I dive into each place, with examples.

Make them available to your whole team

You will probably save your customer and employee testimonials in a shared folder, a Google Doc, a Trello board or a dedicated testimonial collection tool.
Wherever you save your company testimonials, if you have a team, make sure they have access to it.
This ensures all team members, whatever their role, can have access to the newest, company and customer-approved testimonials, and can share them when they need to.
Share testimonials everywhere
Testimonials can be used in so many different parts of your business - especially in sales, marketing, recruitment and onboarding. Here are the best places to share your testimonials to get potential customers to act. I've included real examples too.
On your homepage

Use your text and video testimonials across your website. Here's a guide with 6 places to add testimonials to your website but I've outlined many below too.
What’s a Wall of Love? A standard practice used by leading companies is building a page for their best testimonials, known as a Wall of Love. See an example here.
On your other important pages
Don't just slap testimonials on your website landing page and assume you're done.

If you want to turn more visitors into customers you need to add testimonials to all of your website's different pages - especially the ones where you're trying to drive action.
Here's where, with examples:
On your Request a Demo page

Use testimonials to increase demo bookings. Add testimonials to your Request a Demo page. Visitors to this page have already shown interest, so this is a brilliant place to include social proof and increase the conversion rate.
On your upgrade pages

Use testimonials in your product's upgrade screens and modals. Turn more free users into paying users by selecting testimonials that highlight the functions and benefits of the feature.
On your pricing page

Increase paid sign ups by adding testimonials to your pricing pages. Convince people to join with the well-written customer testimonials you've collected.
On your checkout page

Your potential customer has products in their shopping basket and is ready to check out. Add testimonials to your checkout page to build desire and address customer doubts.
On your course pages

You can use testimonials to increase desire for your physical or digital products like downloads and courses on places like Gumroad, Stripe, Podia or Teachable.
On your recruitment page

Get more high quality job applicants by sharing testimonials from your employees in your recruitment marketing. The testimonials should describe working at your company. Here's a list of testimonial questions you can ask your team members.
In your ad creative

Turn your testimonials into high-performing ad creative by using testimonials and other social proof in your ad creative.
You can use these creative in your ads on X, LinkedIn, Facebook and on other websites.
On a dedicated page aka a Wall of Love

Create a page dedicated to customer testimonials that includes a gallery of photos and videos showing how other people and companies have used the product or service you sell.
This is called a Wall of Love.
Senja helps you turn your testimonials into a Wall of Love in seconds, and apply different styles that will help it stand out. Here's an example.
You can share your Wall of Love link in many places - your website navigation, your newsletter email footer, your social bio. 12 places to share your Wall of Love.
In your sales flow
We traditionally think of testimonials as a marketing asset, but they are an incredibly effective sales tool. Here I am going to show you how to use your testimonials for sales.
Remember: when using testimonials for sales hand-pick the most relevant ones. That means testimonials from customers with similar job titles, company sizes, industries or pains as your lead.
Here's five ways you can use them in your sales flows:
In your sales emails
Whether it's your outbound emails or replying to inbound enquiries from leads, testimonials can help you close more deals.
Add recent testimonials, or a link to your Wall of Love, to your sales messages.

In your sales pitches and proposals
Embed relevant testimonials in your pitches, proposals and other sales materials. This will help you build trust and close more leads.

In your sales conversations

This is one of the smartest and most effective ways to use testimonials. And not enough people are doing it. Your B2B sales funnel is full of leads objecting over various things like pricing, product functions, customer support quality, or setup speed.
Whatever the objection, search tags or keywords and find a testimonial that addresses that objection and share it with your lead. For example, a lead says they don't have time to work through the migration process. Send them a testimonial where an existing customer says that migration was quick and easy.
On your sales profiles
If you have sales profiles on sites like Passionfroot and Mentor Cruise you can use testimonials to stand out and get more enquiries. With testimonials used in sales, your happy customers can sell for you.
In your booking form

Like a Request a Demo page, your booking form is a critical conversion point.
Whether you use Lemcal, Calendly or Savvycal you should add testimonials to turn more visitors into booked calls. Lemcal has an integration to directly add social proof.
In your launch emails

If you're launching a new product like a course, digital download or consultancy service, add testimonials from early or beta users to built trust and desire. It's an incredible way to prove you've created something great using the words of customers.
In your onboarding emails

During onboarding, increase activation by showcasing customers who have reached success with your product or service. This motivates new users to become active.
As social media posts

Post testimonials to your Facebook, X, LinkedIn and Instagram. This will drive awareness of your product, and visits to your website or other landing page.
As social media bio links
Add a link to your Wall of Love to your social media bio. Whether it's your X, LinkedIn or Facebook profile, potential customers will be to discover you through the word's of your friendly customers.

The real power of testimonials
The real power is to use testimonials wherever you want potential customers to act.
I've shared lots of different places you can share that go well beyond your landing page.
Create a culture of using social proof to convert more and you'll hit your goals. Testimonials are like a weapon and with them you'll be fully armed.
It's cost effective, powerful and fun.
That's the end of my beginner's guide to collecting, managing and sharing testimonials. Want to streamline your testimonial collection, management and sharing? Check out Senja!
!!!Navigate this guide: Collect testimonials → Manage testimonials → Share testimonials
!!!Navigate this guide: Collect testimonials → Manage testimonials → Share testimonials
Share your testimonials
The hard part of actually collecting testimonials from your customers is done.
Now the fun bit.
I'm going walk you through how you can use your new testimonials to get potential customers to act, so you can grow your business.
Sharing testimonials is proven to be extremely effective.
For example, Feedhive increased their landing page conversion by 72% by adding customer testimonials to their landing page Hero (the bit that loads first).
It's important you don't make the common mistake of leaving your testimonials unloved and unused.
Instead do this…
Testimonial sharing to-do list
These are your key to-dos when sharing your testimonials. I'll cover these in more detail throughout the post.

32 places to share your testimonials
Here's the TL;DR of the places to share.
Share the right testimonial in the right place and at the right time to grow your business.
Go beyond slapping them on your landing page, and share them in these 32 places.
After this image, I dive into each place, with examples.

Make them available to your whole team

You will probably save your customer and employee testimonials in a shared folder, a Google Doc, a Trello board or a dedicated testimonial collection tool.
Wherever you save your company testimonials, if you have a team, make sure they have access to it.
This ensures all team members, whatever their role, can have access to the newest, company and customer-approved testimonials, and can share them when they need to.
Share testimonials everywhere
Testimonials can be used in so many different parts of your business - especially in sales, marketing, recruitment and onboarding. Here are the best places to share your testimonials to get potential customers to act. I've included real examples too.
On your homepage

Use your text and video testimonials across your website. Here's a guide with 6 places to add testimonials to your website but I've outlined many below too.
What’s a Wall of Love? A standard practice used by leading companies is building a page for their best testimonials, known as a Wall of Love. See an example here.
On your other important pages
Don't just slap testimonials on your website landing page and assume you're done.

If you want to turn more visitors into customers you need to add testimonials to all of your website's different pages - especially the ones where you're trying to drive action.
Here's where, with examples:
On your Request a Demo page

Use testimonials to increase demo bookings. Add testimonials to your Request a Demo page. Visitors to this page have already shown interest, so this is a brilliant place to include social proof and increase the conversion rate.
On your upgrade pages

Use testimonials in your product's upgrade screens and modals. Turn more free users into paying users by selecting testimonials that highlight the functions and benefits of the feature.
On your pricing page

Increase paid sign ups by adding testimonials to your pricing pages. Convince people to join with the well-written customer testimonials you've collected.
On your checkout page

Your potential customer has products in their shopping basket and is ready to check out. Add testimonials to your checkout page to build desire and address customer doubts.
On your course pages

You can use testimonials to increase desire for your physical or digital products like downloads and courses on places like Gumroad, Stripe, Podia or Teachable.
On your recruitment page

Get more high quality job applicants by sharing testimonials from your employees in your recruitment marketing. The testimonials should describe working at your company. Here's a list of testimonial questions you can ask your team members.
In your ad creative

Turn your testimonials into high-performing ad creative by using testimonials and other social proof in your ad creative.
You can use these creative in your ads on X, LinkedIn, Facebook and on other websites.
On a dedicated page aka a Wall of Love

Create a page dedicated to customer testimonials that includes a gallery of photos and videos showing how other people and companies have used the product or service you sell.
This is called a Wall of Love.
Senja helps you turn your testimonials into a Wall of Love in seconds, and apply different styles that will help it stand out. Here's an example.
You can share your Wall of Love link in many places - your website navigation, your newsletter email footer, your social bio. 12 places to share your Wall of Love.
In your sales flow
We traditionally think of testimonials as a marketing asset, but they are an incredibly effective sales tool. Here I am going to show you how to use your testimonials for sales.
Remember: when using testimonials for sales hand-pick the most relevant ones. That means testimonials from customers with similar job titles, company sizes, industries or pains as your lead.
Here's five ways you can use them in your sales flows:
In your sales emails
Whether it's your outbound emails or replying to inbound enquiries from leads, testimonials can help you close more deals.
Add recent testimonials, or a link to your Wall of Love, to your sales messages.

In your sales pitches and proposals
Embed relevant testimonials in your pitches, proposals and other sales materials. This will help you build trust and close more leads.

In your sales conversations

This is one of the smartest and most effective ways to use testimonials. And not enough people are doing it. Your B2B sales funnel is full of leads objecting over various things like pricing, product functions, customer support quality, or setup speed.
Whatever the objection, search tags or keywords and find a testimonial that addresses that objection and share it with your lead. For example, a lead says they don't have time to work through the migration process. Send them a testimonial where an existing customer says that migration was quick and easy.
On your sales profiles
If you have sales profiles on sites like Passionfroot and Mentor Cruise you can use testimonials to stand out and get more enquiries. With testimonials used in sales, your happy customers can sell for you.
In your booking form

Like a Request a Demo page, your booking form is a critical conversion point.
Whether you use Lemcal, Calendly or Savvycal you should add testimonials to turn more visitors into booked calls. Lemcal has an integration to directly add social proof.
In your launch emails

If you're launching a new product like a course, digital download or consultancy service, add testimonials from early or beta users to built trust and desire. It's an incredible way to prove you've created something great using the words of customers.
In your onboarding emails

During onboarding, increase activation by showcasing customers who have reached success with your product or service. This motivates new users to become active.
As social media posts

Post testimonials to your Facebook, X, LinkedIn and Instagram. This will drive awareness of your product, and visits to your website or other landing page.
As social media bio links
Add a link to your Wall of Love to your social media bio. Whether it's your X, LinkedIn or Facebook profile, potential customers will be to discover you through the word's of your friendly customers.

The real power of testimonials
The real power is to use testimonials wherever you want potential customers to act.
I've shared lots of different places you can share that go well beyond your landing page.
Create a culture of using social proof to convert more and you'll hit your goals. Testimonials are like a weapon and with them you'll be fully armed.
It's cost effective, powerful and fun.
That's the end of my beginner's guide to collecting, managing and sharing testimonials. Want to streamline your testimonial collection, management and sharing? Check out Senja!
!!!Navigate this guide: Collect testimonials → Manage testimonials → Share testimonials
!!!Navigate this guide: Collect testimonials → Manage testimonials → Share testimonials
Share your testimonials
The hard part of actually collecting testimonials from your customers is done.
Now the fun bit.
I'm going walk you through how you can use your new testimonials to get potential customers to act, so you can grow your business.
Sharing testimonials is proven to be extremely effective.
For example, Feedhive increased their landing page conversion by 72% by adding customer testimonials to their landing page Hero (the bit that loads first).
It's important you don't make the common mistake of leaving your testimonials unloved and unused.
Instead do this…
Testimonial sharing to-do list
These are your key to-dos when sharing your testimonials. I'll cover these in more detail throughout the post.

32 places to share your testimonials
Here's the TL;DR of the places to share.
Share the right testimonial in the right place and at the right time to grow your business.
Go beyond slapping them on your landing page, and share them in these 32 places.
After this image, I dive into each place, with examples.

Make them available to your whole team

You will probably save your customer and employee testimonials in a shared folder, a Google Doc, a Trello board or a dedicated testimonial collection tool.
Wherever you save your company testimonials, if you have a team, make sure they have access to it.
This ensures all team members, whatever their role, can have access to the newest, company and customer-approved testimonials, and can share them when they need to.
Share testimonials everywhere
Testimonials can be used in so many different parts of your business - especially in sales, marketing, recruitment and onboarding. Here are the best places to share your testimonials to get potential customers to act. I've included real examples too.
On your homepage

Use your text and video testimonials across your website. Here's a guide with 6 places to add testimonials to your website but I've outlined many below too.
What’s a Wall of Love? A standard practice used by leading companies is building a page for their best testimonials, known as a Wall of Love. See an example here.
On your other important pages
Don't just slap testimonials on your website landing page and assume you're done.

If you want to turn more visitors into customers you need to add testimonials to all of your website's different pages - especially the ones where you're trying to drive action.
Here's where, with examples:
On your Request a Demo page

Use testimonials to increase demo bookings. Add testimonials to your Request a Demo page. Visitors to this page have already shown interest, so this is a brilliant place to include social proof and increase the conversion rate.
On your upgrade pages

Use testimonials in your product's upgrade screens and modals. Turn more free users into paying users by selecting testimonials that highlight the functions and benefits of the feature.
On your pricing page

Increase paid sign ups by adding testimonials to your pricing pages. Convince people to join with the well-written customer testimonials you've collected.
On your checkout page

Your potential customer has products in their shopping basket and is ready to check out. Add testimonials to your checkout page to build desire and address customer doubts.
On your course pages

You can use testimonials to increase desire for your physical or digital products like downloads and courses on places like Gumroad, Stripe, Podia or Teachable.
On your recruitment page

Get more high quality job applicants by sharing testimonials from your employees in your recruitment marketing. The testimonials should describe working at your company. Here's a list of testimonial questions you can ask your team members.
In your ad creative

Turn your testimonials into high-performing ad creative by using testimonials and other social proof in your ad creative.
You can use these creative in your ads on X, LinkedIn, Facebook and on other websites.
On a dedicated page aka a Wall of Love

Create a page dedicated to customer testimonials that includes a gallery of photos and videos showing how other people and companies have used the product or service you sell.
This is called a Wall of Love.
Senja helps you turn your testimonials into a Wall of Love in seconds, and apply different styles that will help it stand out. Here's an example.
You can share your Wall of Love link in many places - your website navigation, your newsletter email footer, your social bio. 12 places to share your Wall of Love.
In your sales flow
We traditionally think of testimonials as a marketing asset, but they are an incredibly effective sales tool. Here I am going to show you how to use your testimonials for sales.
Remember: when using testimonials for sales hand-pick the most relevant ones. That means testimonials from customers with similar job titles, company sizes, industries or pains as your lead.
Here's five ways you can use them in your sales flows:
In your sales emails
Whether it's your outbound emails or replying to inbound enquiries from leads, testimonials can help you close more deals.
Add recent testimonials, or a link to your Wall of Love, to your sales messages.

In your sales pitches and proposals
Embed relevant testimonials in your pitches, proposals and other sales materials. This will help you build trust and close more leads.

In your sales conversations

This is one of the smartest and most effective ways to use testimonials. And not enough people are doing it. Your B2B sales funnel is full of leads objecting over various things like pricing, product functions, customer support quality, or setup speed.
Whatever the objection, search tags or keywords and find a testimonial that addresses that objection and share it with your lead. For example, a lead says they don't have time to work through the migration process. Send them a testimonial where an existing customer says that migration was quick and easy.
On your sales profiles
If you have sales profiles on sites like Passionfroot and Mentor Cruise you can use testimonials to stand out and get more enquiries. With testimonials used in sales, your happy customers can sell for you.
In your booking form

Like a Request a Demo page, your booking form is a critical conversion point.
Whether you use Lemcal, Calendly or Savvycal you should add testimonials to turn more visitors into booked calls. Lemcal has an integration to directly add social proof.
In your launch emails

If you're launching a new product like a course, digital download or consultancy service, add testimonials from early or beta users to built trust and desire. It's an incredible way to prove you've created something great using the words of customers.
In your onboarding emails

During onboarding, increase activation by showcasing customers who have reached success with your product or service. This motivates new users to become active.
As social media posts

Post testimonials to your Facebook, X, LinkedIn and Instagram. This will drive awareness of your product, and visits to your website or other landing page.
As social media bio links
Add a link to your Wall of Love to your social media bio. Whether it's your X, LinkedIn or Facebook profile, potential customers will be to discover you through the word's of your friendly customers.

The real power of testimonials
The real power is to use testimonials wherever you want potential customers to act.
I've shared lots of different places you can share that go well beyond your landing page.
Create a culture of using social proof to convert more and you'll hit your goals. Testimonials are like a weapon and with them you'll be fully armed.
It's cost effective, powerful and fun.
That's the end of my beginner's guide to collecting, managing and sharing testimonials. Want to streamline your testimonial collection, management and sharing? Check out Senja!
!!!Navigate this guide: Collect testimonials → Manage testimonials → Share testimonials

Collecting testimonials doesn't get much easier
Collect text and video testimonials — Share them everywhere!
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Testimonials Made Easy
The faster, easier way to collect testimonials
Jump in today and see how easy it is to collect testimonials with Senja.
Testimonials Made Easy
The faster, easier way to collect testimonials
Jump in today and see how easy it is to collect testimonials with Senja.